The Biggest Reward of InfoComm21
There’s nothing like the feeling of reuniting with your AV friends and family. This was the sentiment of many who attended InfoComm21 in Orlando October 27-29.
While it is accurate to say that there were several aspects of InfoComm21 that proved to be disappointing including the considerably lower attendance, the absence of big name players, sparse product announcements and technical innovation, exhibitors who traded their prime booth locations for nondescript meeting spaces, and toned down social events, those who participated were treated to a much overdue opportunity to gather as an industry, appreciate the value of in-person interaction, and be reminded of the warm embrace of the AV community.
While many InfoComm veterans were able to clearly distinguish the difference between this year’s event from those of years prior, there were also a notable amount of first-timers who were simply glad to be at an InfoComm with no preconceived notions for comparison. One group that showed up in full force were Technology Managers and specifically those from the Higher Education Technology Manager Alliance (HETMA). This group encompasses a variety of roles spanning from AV Managers and Directors to Designers, Installers, and Programmers. What they represent is a strong sign of the growing investment in talent, knowledge, and influence of enduser organizations with a commitment to in-house integration.
One of the greatest benefits of the smaller and more intimate gatherings was more meaningful conversations. Less distraction due to fewer competing demands resulted in a more relaxed and casual atmosphere on the show floor, in meeting spaces, and during social meet-ups. Camaraderie amongst attendees, exhibitors, and organizers organically ensued from the mutual appreciation for one another and the bond built from shared dedication to the industry and each other’s success. Class sessions were highly attended as session goers were noticeably invested in opportunities to learn and grow.
The most surprising and rewarding aspect of InfoComm21 was the open admiration conveyed by everyone who participated. While we spent almost two years apart from larger in-person trade shows, conferences, and events, many turned to other ways of connecting, engaging, sharing knowledge, and making a difference. Whether it was through writing, podcasting, online discussions, social media posts, giveaways, or direct help and outreach, those who benefited from the kindness of others within the AV community were quick to provide acknowledgment, praise, genuine appreciation, and offers of reciprocation. The lesson learned is that being good-natured, caring, and considerate may not always provide an immediate return, but it does leave a lasting impact.
Moments like InfoComm21 provide a reminder about the impact that members of the AV community have on each other, reinforce the value that each of us provides to the industry, and fuel future endeavors to be kind, caring, and generous with our knowledge and time. This opportunity to meet in person and have the occasion for casual conversations, impromptu meetings, exchange of ideas, and building of relationships was not only refreshing and energizing, but also provided inspiration for future ideas and reinforcement that continuing to show up and contribute to the industry does make a difference. It is apparent that those in the AV community who are truly committed to the betterment of the industry and the appreciation of each other will be lifted up in the same way they support others.
To learn more about Control Concepts’ contributions to the AV industry at large as well as the AV programming community specifically, please visit the blog and media sections of our website, listen to the podcasts that we host – A State of Control and Ask the Programmer, and check out the free downloads of our Utility Modules, Zoom Room Controls Profile Maker and Manufacturer Partner Modules/Drivers/Plugins.
We are also always eager to engage with the AV community through Twitter and LinkedIn. Please reach out and connect with us!
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- InfoComm