Control Concepts

How ISE Provides a Unique Perspective

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), the world’s largest AV trade show, provides a great opportunity to gain perspective on the technologies and direction of the industry.  With a combination of commercial, residential, and digital signage solutions all occupying the same trade show space, ISE provides a unique opportunity to appreciate all of the ways that AV […]

The Impact of Holiday Cheer Throughout the Year

The holiday season invites positive thoughts of kindness, care, and consideration no matter your beliefs or background. It is a time for reflection and pause to appreciate those who are important in our lives. Starting with Thanksgiving and lasting until the new year, more than any other season attitudes are uplifted and moods are lightened […]

Who Should Determine What Programming Language is Used?

One of the trending conversations in the AV industry involves the move from proprietary, manufacturer-specific programming platforms toward the adoption of modern, robust programming languages. Whether the move is spear-headed by manufacturers opening their hardware to support one or more software development languages or a result of clients seeking alternatives, the flexibility to select a […]

The Benefit of Commitment to the AV Industry

Despite the innovative technology, impressive solutions, and memorable experiences, according to popular opinion is that the people and community are AV industry’s greatest assets. Most who find the AV industry stick with it for the long haul and build a successful career, making it even more interesting and impressive is that historically they happen upon […]

How to Optimize Projects and Manage Costs

As discussed in a previous post titled “Higher Hourly Rates Result in Lower Costs,” an hourly rate is not indicative of the true cost of a service provider.  Rather, the time it takes to complete tasks or deliver outcomes is the determining factor.  Since time is a limited asset for everyone, its value should be protected […]

How Higher Hourly Rates Result in Lower Costs

When evaluating a service provider like a independent programming company, the question about hourly rates can many times serve as a qualifier. While comparing hourly rates would seem to be a natural way to narrow down the field, the decision may not be as straightforward as it seems. As clients are evaluating their options, it […]

Standardization through Custom Programming

One of the bigger issues currently trending in the AV industry is the sentiment that custom control system programming takes too long, costs too much to create, and is not easy to maintain. While there is some truth in this proclamation when looking at one-off programmed solutions, alternative approaches exist that offer very different results. […]

Takeaways and AHA! Moments from InfoComm19

The week after InfoComm will always be bittersweet for me. While I enjoy the energy, excitement, engagement, and activity of the week, I also feel a mix of excitement, exhaustion, over-stimulation, disappointment, and reflection when it is over. As with any big event, all of the planning, the hype, the anticipation, the hard work, and […]

How Everyone is Connected Through User Experience

User experience (UX) is quite the buzz word these days in the AV industry. User experience not only describes the seamless operation of an AV system addressing needs and pain points of users, it also captures the emotion a user feels when utilizing the space and interacting with technology. User experience is built upon a […]