Higher Ed Media: 105: Steve Greenblatt, President of Control Concepts and Host of “A State of Control” Podcast
Programming or configuration? Which one is best for higher ed? Steve Greenblatt, President of Control Concepts and host of the podcast, “A State of Control” discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each, how to succeed as an AV programmer, and how to best use outside resources. We also discuss professional development and training from a personality, team, and business prospective. As Steve says: “Don’t be in a bubble. Have a team. Be bold, prove you are qualified. Always put yourself in the client’s shoes. Everyone has a client to serve.”
Connect with Steve Greenblatt on Twitter at @SteveGreenblatt or on LinkedIn. Learn more about the Control Concepts on Twitter at @ccicontrol and online at https://www.controlconcepts.net. Listen and subscribe to “A State of Control” podcast on AV Nation at https://avnation.tv/avnation-podcasts/a-state-of-control/.
Dr. Josiah Way is the Director of Learning Environments at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, CA, and the 2019 AV Professional of the Year. Joe is the president and CEO of the Higher Ed AV Media Group, hosts Higher Ed AV podcast, and is the co-founder of the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance (HETMA.org), aimed at connecting the higher ed tech manager community and advocating for their common audiovisual needs.
Listen and subscribe to the Higher Ed AV podcast on Spreaker at: https://www.spreaker.com/show/higher-ed-av-podcast. Connect with Joe on Twitter at @josiahway or on LinkedIn.