The Control Concepts team has expanded! Meet our Marketing Specialist – Emily Rocha

With the growing need for ease of integration between hardware, software, and control systems, AV manufacturers are turning to software developers like Control Concepts for help with middleware solutions including modules/drivers/plugins. In an effort to reach more AV manufacturers and software providers while continuing to serve the industry with the availability of software solutions and technical support, Control Concepts is pleased to announce the addition of our new Marketing Specialist, Emily Rocha.

Although new to the AV industry, Emily’s interest in technology and its role in connecting the world around us gives her an opportunity to provide a unique perspective to AV integration and software development.  When it comes to global perspective, Emily knows firsthand after coming to the US from Brazil where she grew up and began her career.

“We couldn’t be happier to have Emily on the team,” Control Concepts President and Founder, Steve Greenblatt remarks. “Not only is marketing an area that is underestimated in the AV industry, it is also a personal passion of mine.  With Emily on our team, Control Concepts looks to expand its visibility, outreach, engagement, and act on the desire to share knowledge and serve.”

Prior to Control Concepts, Emily marketed to and for various industries including elevator, IT, security and financial, bringing value through her common-sense approach to problem solving and creativity.  She enjoys engaging with internal teams and helping to convey company culture, core values, and personality in marketing messages and client interaction.

Emily is looking forward to meeting all our friends, clients, and partners.  To learn more about Emily, check out her bio on our Meet The Team page.

Please welcome Emily by connecting with her on LinkedIn, Twitter, and through email.

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  • Embracing Femininity to Bring Change to the AV Industry 768 432 Control Concepts
  • Creating a Woman-Inclusive Team 1024 1024 Control Concepts