Small Business Ownership

Investing in Your Business Through Your Relationships

We can all agree, relationships are important.  This is true, not only in our personal lives, but critical to the growth of a business.  Relationship building from a business standpoint can help you bring in new opportunities, retain current clients, and grow your reputation.  As client relationships evolve, an inherent level of trust is built […]

employee frustrated with laptop

What Problems Does Your Organization Solve?

Contrary to popular belief, companies are not in business solely as a means to make money. Instead they exist to solve problems and address the needs of clients, while getting paid along the way for the value that they bring. While some businesses continue to own an identity consistent with when they started, maintaining the same […]

Can Independent Programmers Play a Vital Role on Your Team?

I continually devote a lot of time to building personal relationships with our customers and associates, in order to better understand their needs and ways of doing business. This is because we want to develop an easy, efficient working relationship and become a more effective and valuable resource.  From my experiences and conversations over time, […]

So You Want to Go Out on Your Own

The desire to “go out on your own” is often sought by an individual who is frustrated with their current position, compensation, level of respect, or potential for growth.  To top it off, the glory of others’ success stories enhance the temptation to be your own boss, work from home, set your own hours, and live […]